Blenderīlender is certainly one of the best programs to use on a Mac. 3D Slash is very easy to learn and fun, however, it is also limited in terms of tools and options.

You start with a solid block and edit it by adding or subtracting cubes. This 3D design software works with tools such as a hammer or drill. If you already have some 3D modeling skills, you probably don’t want to play around with 3D Slash. So if you’re thinking about beginning your journey in the world of 3D modeling, 3D Slash is perfect for you. Wikibooks is free to be edited by anyone.Do you know the game Minecraft? That’s exactly how this 3D modeling software works: with blocks. Wikibooks Wings 3D Wiki – Started as a project to update the outdated Wings 3D User Manual, this wiki is maintained by the Wings 3D community.Those interested in contributing to this project should contact the Wings developers. Wings 3D Documentation Project – This resource is maintained by the Wings 3D team.There are currently two documentation projects for Wings 3D. Oortman3D – Oort’s website offers a Wings 3D handbook, and has specialized information for rendering Wings 3D models using Yafray and Yaf(a)ray.Also includes links to other useful videos on YouTube. Youtube Video Tutorials on Fonte Boa’s Wings 3D Channel – Various videos dedicated to exploring Wings.Puzzledpaul’s Wings 3D tutorials – ppzpitstop – A collection of tutorials written by puzzledpaul, a long-time user of Wings.Wings3D community is also at Discord, Twitter and Instagram. The former Yuku forum is now considered an archive. Those interested in contributing code can also checkout the Programming section of the forum. Users are welcome to bring their experience to the discussion and voice their ideas about new feature or existing ones. Like the name of the forum suggests, there are some development focused discussion to take part in too. On the ODF you can ask questions about using Wings, discuss technical aspects of 3d modeling, post bug reports, or post screen shots of your latest Wings 3D creations. The Official Development Forum is the main place to talk to others about Wings.